Human Resources Management

 How to Improve Workplace Morale

A strong culture is central to the success of any organisation. A key part of this is the morale amongst the staff. A strong morale is conducive to the staff working together as a team, with the result being an increase in productivity through improved communications and togetherness.
Depending on the characters within an organisation, morale will sometimes develop on its own, but on the majority of occasions it is something which needs to be worked upon. Many organisations recognise the importance of strong morale and invest significantly in it. For those that don't, it is time for them to appreciate how much a strong morale can contribute and begin their investment in it.
Below are some of the many ways in which morale can be built:
Team building days
Team building days are great for team morale as it not only forces people to work together, but it also encourages them to work with people that they may not normally interact with in the office. This can help to build bonds, make people feel comfortable around each other and provide some corridor banter to lighten the mood.
Office meetings
Office meetings are so important for a number of reasons. Included in this is the fact that they are a great opportunity for people from each department to get together and discuss and issues they may have with their colleagues or work streams. This will not only encourage more efficiency within the workplace, it will also give the staff involved in the meeting a sense of importance and belonging. A member of staff who feels they belong will be much happier in their work, which will have a positive influence on staff morale.
Fancy dress days
Having a fancy dress day is a great way to lighten the mood in the office and really create a talking point. When you get the random mix of people that you do in an office, it can sometimes be difficult to find things to talk about with people who you don't work directly with, and/or don't have anything in common with. Fancy dress will create laughter and banter in the office and open the conversational floodgates.
Staff party
The logic behind this idea is to get people together away from the office environment and remove any barriers such as rank and authority. This way the staff can all socialise on a level par, and with the likely inclusion of alcohol, bonds will soon be built. One of the benefits of the staff party include the opportunity to see people as themselves as opposed to their professional alter egos.
A good work environment
A pleasant working environment with nice decor and amenities will provide a nicer environment for people to work. If people are happier in their environment they are likely to be more productive.
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